What Benefit Will I Get Out Of A Fuel System Cleaning?

Well, the dirtier your fuel system is, the bigger the improvement you’ll see in performance and fuel efficiency.  But it’s vital not to wait until your engine is running poorly, you’ve wasted hundreds of dollars in gas or maybe even damaged your fuel injectors and catalytic converter. Look, gasoline is a petroleum-based product and will…

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Fuel Injector Cleaning

Something we hear quite frequently from our customers is that their fuel economy is down and their car or SUV just doesn’t have the pep it used to.  When that happens, one of the things we look for is clogged fuel injectors. The engine management computer tells your fuel injectors exactly when to squirt fuel into your…

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A Clean Fuel System

Let’s talk about your fuel system. Your Car or SUV fuel system encompasses everything it takes to get fuel from your tank to your engine. Starting with your fuel pump, which is located in the tank, there are the fuel lines, fuel filter, throttle assembly and fuel injectors. When all of these parts are clean, fuel…

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