If you’ve tried to visit our shop from Rt 59 or 248th Ave over the past few weeks, you have undoubtedly stumbled upon some road construction. They are re-working Wolfs Crossing, 248th Avenue and 95th Street right near the Carillon Club Entrance.
You may remember that to reach us you to take 95th St West from Route 59, then go South on 248th for a block, then West again on Wolfs Crossing to Bode St. Or, if you were coming north on 248th, you could have gone left onto Wolfs Crossing before you reached 95th St.
With the change in the road, the access to Wolfs Crossing from 248th Ave was eliminated. Now, coming from Rt 59, just continue past 248th Ave to the NEXT stoplight, which is the new Wolfs Crossing extension. Go Left and it connects you up with the old Wolfs Crossing just East of the railroad tracks.
If you’re coming North on 248th Ave, continue to the stoplight at 95th St (Carillon Club straight ahead of you here), and go Left/West onto 95th St. Turn Left again at the next stoplight onto the new Wolfs Crossing extension.
Visit our website to link to the City of Naperville website to read more about the changes.
Give us a call if you’re having trouble finding us! We’d be happy to help guide you in.
#wherestheroad #automotive #carrepair #mechanic #localshop
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